Give Today:

Your Tax-Free gift will bring the gift of music to our singers and to our community!

To keep tuition low for all singers, we rely on external funding to cover our budget. (Our singer tuition does not cover our operation costs, and we don’t want it to have to!) Thanks for helping us keep this experience accessible for all youth in the New River Valley.

Scholarship Fund:

If you’d like your donation to go directly to our Scholarship Fund, please designate that in the memo line for checks. For online donations, click the orange “Donate” button below and select “Add a message” where you can specify Scholarship Fund on the donation form.


Make checks out to “Blacksburg Master Chorale,” BCC’s parent organization. Put “BCC” or “BCC Scholarship Fund” in the memo line.

P. O. Box 11852

Blacksburg, VA 24062

THANK YOU for supporting music in our community!